June 2024 recap







Private life

I moved out of my house. New house isn’t ready yet, so I’m currently in-between houses. I’m hoping the new house will be done by August, so I can do a proper move-in before leaving on holiday for Canada in September. My sports habits have taken a bit of a tumble during this period. I’m hoping to start things back up in the coming weeks. I’ve been going 1-2 times a week for the past month, hoping to ramp this back up to 4-5 times during the coming weeks. I also started my career as a freelance developer. I am the proud owner and single employee of Pensive Ibex. It’s been hectic the past month, but I hope things will settle down somewhat in the coming weeks. Though, I still have to paint the new house before moving in. So that will take some doing as well.

Did you spot a mistake? You can help me fix it by opening a Pull Request.
