Us vs. Them

I listened to the latest episode of We Can Be Weirdos where Rob Auton mentions how nice it would be when sitting on the train if you could just talk to the person next to you, get a load off your chest and just carry on with your day.

It reminded me of how many times I was in public and someone random started talking to me and I just wasn’t open to the experience. It’s something I grew up with. “Don’t talk to strangers”, “Come straight home”.

I came to the realization that I divided my world view in two categories. People I know and other people. It’s something I tried to work on for a while now. Usually when I pass someone on the street when I’m walking my dog, I would give them a half-hearted smile. Any Belgians reading this know exactly what kind of smile I’m referring to.

Now I try to actually smile to someone I’m passing. Or not at all, if I don’t feel like smiling. But no more in between. For me, this is already a big step. Going one further and actually being open to talk to people I haven’t met yet. I’m sure it would be worthwhile. But my mind is always set on the idea.

When I’m out doing something, my mind is set on my goal, any interruption along the way causes me to feel like I’m not progressing towards my goal. It’s a silly, but persistent thought. There’s nothing bad going to happen if I don’t achieve that goal in the optimal time. I think it stems from the prejudice that I would be wasting my time, being dragged into a conversation I didn’t ask for. Whereas it might be hugely rewarding.

If the We Can Be Weirdos podcast has taught me anything it’s that different people have different beliefs, but it doesn’t make them any less interesting, or funny, or engaging. It’s opened my mind to the idea that everyone has something to tell. And if you let yourself be open to the experience, it might be worth your while.

They say “a stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet”. It’s a statement that was too cut and dry for me, I think if I changed it to “every stranger has a story to tell”, it vibes a little better with me.

I won’t be chatting up strangers just yet, but I’m more open to being chatted to. Come at me, world.

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